Welcome to Fiber News! |
Hello Yarnies!
It has been way too long! The shop is open and shelves are beginning to fill up with wonderful fibers. Several of you have already stopped in to say hi and I have enjoyed seeing everyone.
****First Announcement is****
The shop will be closed this
Saturday, September 2, 2023
Monday, September 4, 2023
for the Labor Day Holiday.
****Second Announcement****
Mid-Mitten Yarn Shops
Shop Hop is
Thursday, September 28, 2023
Sunday, October 1, 2023
****Third Announcement****
Classes are starting and are on the website
Classes | Fun with Sticks & Strings | Lansing, MI (funwithsticks-strings.com)
So sign up and learn something new, hang out with other fiber folks and have a blast!
So many new and different yarns are in the shop and will be highlighted starting next week. I can't wait to show them off.
Please follow us on FaceBook, Instagram and every Wednesday on FaceBook Live for What's up Wednesday.
Fiber On!